TUHC Junior Development Program
The Tasmanian University Hockey Club also offer development opportunities for junior players with the potential to play at a more competitive level.
The TUHC assists by providing opportunities that enable these players to develop their talent and skills to a higher level than is normally available in junior hockey competition.
The TUHC undertakes the following targeted development initiatives under our Junior Development Program
Emerging Talent Squad
The TUHC's Emerging Talent Squad (ETS) targets and develops talented younger players aged 10 - 14 years.
The ETS introduces juniors to skills they will need to take them to the next step of senior hockey and State representation.
The TUHC delivers the ETS free of charge.
Junior Development Squad
The TUHC's Junior Development Squad (JDS) is an extension of the ETS, and targets talented young players up to 18 years.
The JDS aims to provide junior players with a smoother transition into senior hockey, while also assisting players to achieve State representative status.
The JDS has strong links with the THUC's A Pool programs, through the provision of higher level coaching delivered by the Club’s senior coaches and players.
The JDS train with A Pool Women on Wednesday's from 7 - 8pm on THC1.
The TUHC delivers the JDS free of charge.
For information on the TUHC's Junior Development Program, please contact: